Arena User Documentation
Maintain Scheduled Tasks
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Document Library > Applications > Communications and Performance Management Module > Communications Management > Task Management > Maintain Scheduled Tasks

Glossary Item Box


Use this application to create scheduled tasks. 


The task management form contains the following fields: -


Field Description
ID Specifies the ID for the task. This entry is created automatically when a new task is created.
Task Type Each task must have a type. Task types are defined using Maintain Names.
Short Description Specifies a short description for the task. The short description is the title for the task that appears on the level one report of the View Scheduled Tasks (Store) Report
Long Description Specifies a long description for the task. The long description appears in the header of the detailed task view. 
Created Specifies the create date of the task. The default value is the current date.
Task Manager Specifies the name of the task manager.
Sign Off Roles Specifies a list of roles within the business that can sign off a task as complete. Typically this would include the Store Manager or 2IC role for example. While any use can sign off an individual sub-task as complete, only a person belonging to one of the sign-off roles can sign of the total task as complete. 
Discontinued A boolean flag which determines if the task is discontinued. This is used if a task is a recurring task (i.e. schedule to run every Monday at 3pm). It prevents any new instances of the task from being created.
Select Store By Allows the user to change the selection method for targeting stores. This affects the contents of the Selected Store(s) grid, and can only be changed if the Selected Store(s)grid is empty. For example if you choose Store State, you will be able to select one or more states in the Selected Store(s) grid, and against each state selection select either all stores or a single store to target within that state.
Selected Store(s)

This grid is only enabled if Select Store By is set to a value other than All Stores. It defines the subset of stores who will see this task. The Selected Stores(s) grid has two columns:

Filter Store
This is a dropdown field, the options available in this field depends on the value of the field “Select Store By”. If for example Select Store By is set to Store State, this column will contain a list of States; allowing you to select a state. This is a drop down field. It will show a list of stores belonging to the filter. For example if NSW has been selected in Filter, this field will contain a list of stores belonging to the NSW state. It will also contain the option All Store. To target all stores in the state, select All Stores. To target an individual store in the state select that store.
Select Departments By

This field is only available if this is a department store. If contains the following options. 

Option Description
Store Level Only This task will target the store only.
All Department This task will target all department within the store.
Selected Department This task will targeted the selected departments defined in the Selected Department(s) grid below.
Selected Department(s) If Select Department By is set to Selected Department, select one or more department to target in this grid.
Perform Task

Defines whether this task is a one off task or is scheduled to occur on a regular basis. It contains the following options. When an option other than One Time Only is selected, a hyperlink will display when the task is saved. Click the hyperlink to define parameter related to the schedule. See the images below for more information: - 

Option Description

The task is scheduled to occur every day. Click the hyperlink to display the following form and define schedule parameters.


The task is scheduled to occur every week. Click the hyperlink to display the following form and define schedule parameters.


The task is scheduled to occur monthly. Click the hyperlink to display the following form and define schedule parameters. In this example the task is scheduled to run every 2nd Tuesday for each of the 12 months of the year. 

In this example the task is scheduled to run on the 18th day of each month.

One Time Only The task will run one time only.

Start Time

The task will be executed for the first time on or after the date defined by Start Date. If start date was the 1st of a month but the task was scheduled to execute on the 18th of each month, the task would be generated for the first time on the 18th of the month following the start date. The Start Time defines the time on the start date (and each subsequent execution date) that the task will be executed.

Start Date
Finish Date Specifies the finish time of the task. Additional recurring tasks will not be executed after this date.
Sub Tasks

Specifies all the sub tasks coming under the main task. This grid contains the following fields.

Column Description
Sequence Specifies the order of the sub-tasks.
Type Specifies the task type. Currently only one type is supported - Task.
Description Specifies the short description of this sub task.
Due This field is only enabled for One Time Only tasks, and identifies the due date for the sub task.
Days from Start

This field is only enabled for One Time Only and Monthly tasks. It identifies the number of days from the start of the task that this item is due to be completed. For One Time Only tasks, Due and Days from Start are mutually exclusive.

Note that for Daily and Weekly tasks, all sub-tasks are due on the day they are executed.

Each sub task may have one or more document linked to it. To link documents to a sub task, click on it Sequence number after the main form is saved. The pop-up for has the following fields: -

Column Description
Description This contains the short description for this sub task as defined on the main form, but may be edited here.
Apped Store Key If checked, the application will append a store key parameter to the url's defined in the Link URL's. The parameter is in the format &store_key=n. This supports executing a report where the content of the report differs depending on the store clicking the link.
Append Department Key If checked, the application will append a department key parameter to the url's defined in the Link URL's. The parameter is in the format &department_key=n. This supports executing a report where the content of the report differs depending on the department clicking the link.
Long Description Enter a long description for the task line that appears in the tasks detailed report.
Link URL

This grid contains one or more links associated with the sub task. These appear as links below each sub task. It contains the following columns.

Link URL Link Text Link Title
The url to navigate to when the user click the link. The text that is displayed against the link. The title that appear when the user hovers over the link.
Date Modified Specifies the date of modification of the task.


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